Women in Cryptography (WinC)

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This site is dedicated to the 'Women in Cryptography' community, inspired by the Women in Number Theory. We aim to be a resource both to people identifying as women cryptographers but also to community as a whole, by showcasing the many contributions of women cryptographers to the discipline. Contact us if you want to get in touch!


Who We Are

The cryptography community, centered around the International Association for Cryptologic Research (IACR), is rapidly expanding in both academia and industry. Our community produces fascinating results and has a real impact on secure and private communication in this world. However, it is evident that our community has unrealized potential to be more diverse. Diversity is essential for any healthy ecosystem, and allows varied perspectives and relevant outcomes for a broader audience.

The most visible dimension of lack of diversity in our community is perhaps gender representation. However, our goal is reaching an inclusive space beyond gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, national origin, health status, or disability. Our message is clear: you are welcomed and you matter.

To collect our voices and organize ourselves better within the cryptography community, in 2022, we launched this website and created a dedicated discord server. The discord server provides a safe space for cryptographers identifying as women to talk and share experiences. We highlight that our actions, however, are targeted towards a broader perspective of diversity. We have organized two recurring online events, the WinC Seminar series (open to everyone), and the WinC Coffee Breaks (exclusive to those identifying as women). We are also organizing in-person workshops.