WinC Workshops

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2nd. Workshop: Women & Allies in Cryptography Discussions

During Crypto 2024 in Santa Barbara, August 2024

Event Description

Happening on Tuesday, 20th 2024 at 2pm in Lotte Lehmann 224.


A summary of the discussion can be found on [YouTube]

Organization Team:

Birds of a Feather Event during Eurocrypt 2024 in Zürich, May 2024

Event Description

During the “Women & Allies in Cryptography Discussions", we aim to provide a space that brings together different groups to discuss different topics related to diversity in cryptography. Each group gathers around a table that will be guided by a senior researcher, allowing participants to discuss and collaboratively brainstorm different ideas on a shared board. The event will conclude with each table presenting key discussion points and potential strategies for improving diversity in our community.

The goal of this event is threefold:

  1. to Gather people who advocate for improving the diversity in the cryptography community,
  2. to Listen to the perspectives from those who suffer from the lack of diversity in our community,
  3. to Brainstorm ideas on how to address the raised issues as a first step for a concrete plan of action.

One of the motivations of this event is extending the activities of the Women in Cryptography (WinC) community to in-person spaces.

Discussion topics

If you want to (co-)mentor a discussion topic, you can send us an email at

Organization Team: